Send us a message

Send us a general message and we will respond as soon as time allows. If you have a question, please refer to our FAQ section, which has a separate form for questions.

About This Form

Why is there no email address listed on your website?

We do not provide email addresses on the website to avoid spam from bots. We provide the captcha protected form for you to email us. If you'd prefer to send a direct message: info at realmlandbuyers dot com

What file types can I send?
  • PDF
  • DOCX
  • ODT
  • MD
  • TXT
  • CSV
  • XLSX
  • ZIP
  • TAR
  • ODS
  • JPG
  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • GPX
  • KML
  • KMZ
  • OSM
Can I upload files from my cell phone?

Yes! Just scan the QR code below and it will take you to this page to upload files from your phone.

QR Code

General Message

We respect your privacy. We won't sell your information.